Sunday 12 June 2016

Art Journal | Art to the rescue

There are just these times when you are surrounded with so many people but yet you feel alone. And when that happens, a lot of us feel dependent on our friends, boyfriends, parents, or whomsoever to lift us up. 

Here's the actual deal, these people can only tell you what to do, it's actually you who has to lift up yourself. I agree there's some amount of supportive push needed to take a step forward but if that doesn't happen to you, don't search for it. I tell you today, you're worth is much more than you think and there's so much beauty inside you. Don't underestimate yourself by being dependent on others. Find your own happiness. 

The past few days have emotionally been like a crazy roller-coaster ride and I must admit, I don't wish to go back to that time at all. I've been trying to keep myself positive but sometimes I end up giving in. So, today I decided to vent out the energy that has been building up inside me into a positive way as much as possible. I went back to what gives me tons of happiness. I took up painting after a long, long time. I was kinda happy with the outcome but I realized I have to get back to the practicing. 

Thank you visiting.
You can find me on Instagram as @patakaaguddii_

P.S.: Please make sure to give the picture credits if used anywhere.

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