Wednesday, 28 December 2016

3 Things to do before entering 2017.

It is that time of the year when we reflect back on how the entire year has been for us and start cribbing about not achieving what we wanted to. It's happened to everybody, I'm sure. But it's possibly a wrong attitude to have while entering the New Year. There's going to be a whole new lot of opportunities waiting out there for us and we need to have a realization of it. These thoughts are only preparing us for more and more disappointment.

Personally speaking, I consider 2016 to be the worst year of my life till date. But now when the year is ending I would like to thank it for showing me exactly what I don't need. I came to a conclusion that the negative chaos going on inside of my head has to go. And why just me, I think there are so many of us feeling the same at this moment. Letting go of anything in life can be a little scary, but it can also be an amazing act of self-love.

I am listing down 3 things that (are helping me) could help you to have a new beginning with positivity. ◕‿◕

1. Forgive yourself (& others) for all the mess ups.

Remember everybody messes up and so did you. It's absolutely fine and there's no need to dwell on that thought. Let go off anything that isn't working for you right away.
And just like you did, someone else can too. Probably they were just being humans and everybody deserves another chance.

2. Pick 3 (max) things to focus on in 2017.

I say 3 because I don't want you to think about too many things at a time. That is only going to confuse you more. Pick your 3 priorities and focus on making the most of them. I would like to stress on one of the priorities among these to be yourself because at the end of the day, it is really important to feel happy about the way you are.

3. Be grateful.

Thank people who have been there for you regardless of everything. A warm appreciation towards them is really going to brighten them up. I know, not all things can be put into words but a small 'Thank You' is not going to harm anybody. They deserve it.

No matter how 2016 has been for you, let that go! Focus on what's coming up. I hope you all have a fantastic year ahead.

Thank you visiting.
You can find me on Instagram as @patakaaguddii_

P.S.: Please make sure to give the picture credits if used anywhere.

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